Monitor Audio

I'm building a small bedroom system. The amp will be a Rega Brio R. I was wondering if anyone had experience with the Monitor Audio Bronze 2. Thinking this might be a sweet combo. 
I have a pair of the Bronze 2 in a small system that I rarely use. I am also familiar with the overall Rega sound, although not having heard the Brio-R. I agree with erik_squires. The Silver series, which I once heard at a dealer,  will have a greater clarity and tautness with Rega. The Bronze 2 is a good speaker at its price point but can sound a bit sluggish and thick.
I have the Rega Brio R and it might be the best sounding integrated under $1000. I think that it deserves better than the bronze, but the Bronze is a fine speaker.
The price difference is substantial. I appreciate the comments. Gets me to thinking about upgrading the speakers. 

I have Silver 5i in my bedroom system, they have a very good sound. They hold their own in my opinion. Very clear and detailed with my modest gear.

I bought them used for a few hundred, fwiw.