Monitor Audio

I'm building a small bedroom system. The amp will be a Rega Brio R. I was wondering if anyone had experience with the Monitor Audio Bronze 2. Thinking this might be a sweet combo. 
How long have you had the Bronze? I'm far from an expert, but here's my humble opinion:

Give them time to settle in with your Rega gear. Play with positioning of the speakers, etc. There will always be something else better with more this or that. 

Take your time and read on here about different gear. After awhile you'll have a feel for what you want and don't want. Many great speakers will come up for sale preowned and you can take a chance for less risk.

Who knows, maybe you'll forget about the gear and just enjoy your music. 

I apologize if I've stated the obvious, just trying to help.

I am intrigued by the Minuets. Almost double the cost of the Bronzes. My guess is I'll keep them for a while, realize the amp deserves better. Sell at a loss and do it all over again!
Not sure why you'd guess that, and I'd strongly disagree that the Minuets may not be worthy of the Brio -- personal tastes aside of course.  Many people run Minuets with considerably more than a sub-$1000 integrated and are very happy.  Also keep in mind the Minuets are a relatively easy load for an amp, which is something you should consider with a 50 Wpc integrated.  Case in point, before you pursue the Uni-Fi further you should read the CNET review that found an 80 Wpc amp not able to get the best out of them given the Elac's relatively low sensitivity and sub-4Ohm minimum impedance.  This is one reason many of us recommend purchasing speakers before, or at least coincidentally with, an amp.  All that aside, if you're concerned about losing money, Minuets do pop up here used fairly regularly so that could be another option.  Hope this helps, and again, best of luck in your search. 
Hey soix
My comment was in regards to out growing the Bronze 2. I'm sure the Minuets would be a totally different story. I do have concerns about the low sensitivity of the Elacs. I bought the amp first because I found an open box deal for $750. I should slow down a bit and check out the used market here. Thanks for the input. 
I'd second uncledemp:  it's not worth looking for other speakers until your Rega is set up & broken in.  My Silver 2's have some obvious limitations but are still highly revealing of all the upstream changes I've made; from what I've read, 'telling it like it is' is a MA trait.  The front port on the Bronze should make them amenable to quite a few placement options if your room permits.  The Elacs are solid choice at their price point, but not a $1000 speaker in disguise, and (as soix said) would probably pair best with a more powerful amp.