hahahahaha Ricred, I hope for you that you will be here for a much longer period. Time goes on and I think after time you will get a new speaker again.
And that says a person who also owns the Pl-500. I think it is possible to keep it for a very long time in your situation. And it still will be very good in technique and sound quality.
B&W has a huge problem that their D3 speakers are outdated compared to the Platinum II series. This is based on different facts.
- first of all the diamond tweeter of the D3 series is the same as 10 years ago, only they use a new housing of it. The AMT tweerer is in each part superior.
The crossovers of the D3 series can build a stage till maximum 1 metre in depth. This is a hifi stereo parameter. And no one can change this.
The Platinum series 2 are not only able to create a huge 3-dimensional stage in depth and width. But the new AMT tweeter also is exeptional in creating diversity in height.
In timing the Platinum series II are superior in timing compared to the D3 series. You also hear more layers.
Instruments and voices are more physical apparant and they stand a lot more free in space compared to the D3 series.
We audtined the D3 series many times. All the demos showed a 2-dimensional stage. And also voices and instruments stand on the same height. And again this is a hifi stereo parameter.
The new Platinum series is a different world compared to the 1 series.
read this review:
We compared the Wilson Audio Sasha 1 against the Pl-200 II. The Monitor Audio outperformed the Sasha with ease.
The used technique, drivers, AMT tweeter (no voice coil anymore) and cabinets are first class and way ahead of it's competitors.They are very addictive in their performance.
When you use them with the right amps and sources, you can create a 3-dimensensional holographic stage to die for.
And that says a person who also owns the Pl-500. I think it is possible to keep it for a very long time in your situation. And it still will be very good in technique and sound quality.
B&W has a huge problem that their D3 speakers are outdated compared to the Platinum II series. This is based on different facts.
- first of all the diamond tweeter of the D3 series is the same as 10 years ago, only they use a new housing of it. The AMT tweerer is in each part superior.
The crossovers of the D3 series can build a stage till maximum 1 metre in depth. This is a hifi stereo parameter. And no one can change this.
The Platinum series 2 are not only able to create a huge 3-dimensional stage in depth and width. But the new AMT tweeter also is exeptional in creating diversity in height.
In timing the Platinum series II are superior in timing compared to the D3 series. You also hear more layers.
Instruments and voices are more physical apparant and they stand a lot more free in space compared to the D3 series.
We audtined the D3 series many times. All the demos showed a 2-dimensional stage. And also voices and instruments stand on the same height. And again this is a hifi stereo parameter.
The new Platinum series is a different world compared to the 1 series.
read this review:
We compared the Wilson Audio Sasha 1 against the Pl-200 II. The Monitor Audio outperformed the Sasha with ease.
The used technique, drivers, AMT tweeter (no voice coil anymore) and cabinets are first class and way ahead of it's competitors.They are very addictive in their performance.
When you use them with the right amps and sources, you can create a 3-dimensensional holographic stage to die for.