@ps68 Sorry I dropped off this thread for so long. I had the opportunity to audition the PL300 IIs back in March at a shop in Virginia called Evolution Audio Video. It was my first visit there. Damn, it is a seriously high end place! Sorry i didn't take detailed notes and have lost some of the aural memory to time, but it was very impressive. First of all, the PL300IIs were driven by a stack of top of the line Simaudio electronics and the room was the biggest I've ever seen. Due to the sheer size of the room, the bass could have used a bit more reinforcement for my taste. I usually like a subwoofer with most systems, so keep that in mind. The bass was very well controlled though. My other slight slight nitpick is that the midrange and treble was a tad dry for me. I think these speakers would pair very well with tube electronics as long as you provide enough power and think through the electrical matching. Having said all that, this was one of the most holographic soundstages I've ever heard. Similar to experiences I've had with KEF Blades and Arial Acoustics 7T. To use an overly used reviewer's line, "The soundtrack was vastly wide and deep with excellent center fill and instrument placement". That was the best aspect of these speakers. I'd also say they were very revealing of details on the recording without being fatiguing or bright. They're also one of the most attractive speakers I've come across. The fit and finish are divine. I wish the cabinets had a bit more curve to them, but I still really like them. Phenomenal speakers!