Monitor speaker recommendations

Hello all
Just looking for some of you to give me some ideas as a starting point.
I am in the market for some stand mount monitor speakers. I currently have my old PSB stratus gold i's. They are just too big for my new room. I will be driving the new speakers with Cary tube mono blocks rated at 75 w/ch.
While I realize the best method would be to audition a few, I live in a very rural area and will need to drive at least 4 hours to the nearest stereo shop, so I was hoping to get some suggestions before heading out. Budget is no more than $1,000.
Thanks all
Agree with suggestions of Focal and Dynaudio. Others to consider:

Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1 -- read the reviews.

Vienna Acoustics -- used Haydn Grand, but not if you mainly listen to rock.

If lucky, you might find a used pair of KEF LS50 or Nola Boxer.
Have heard the Dynaudio Excite X12. I thought them to be wonderful for the price. They were driven by SS amp though. 1st version can be found under $1000, New version just released. A pair on sale here for~$850.
Any experience with the original vienna Haydn? There is a pair for sale here for $345. I am inclined to give them a try for that price. I listen to mostly jazz and vocal music, and mild rock/pop
Forgive the long reply but the below may help.

One of the problems with a asking for a recommendation for a speaker is that you are bound to get replies that endorse what folks already have or want to have. These recommendations may be the right speaker for them, but is it the right one for you? At the same time I can appreciate why you have to ask, with the closest dealer being 4 fours away. Before you go though, start asking yourself these questions, and you may find you don't need us to recommend anything.

*How do you like your current PSB's? Do you want to replicate the same sound but in a smaller package?

*Your PSB's have metal tweeters. Do you like the sound of these? If so, look at monitors that have metal tweeters and stay away from those brands that use soft domes. That eliminates Dynaudio, Vienna Acoustics, Sonus Fabers, Proacs, Spendors, etc.

*The materials used in tweeter construction all have their own unique sound - metal, textiles, ribbons, even horns. By doing some research on the net you can group brands by the type of high frequency drivers they use and then audition these various types to find out for yourself what you prefer when you make the 4 hour trip. You will have a plan.

*You said you need monitors because of your new room. Will they be on a bookshelf or stand mounted? If bookshelf, then make sure they are front ported. If on a stand, you can look at either.

*Are you going to use a sub? If not, you will be losing a lot of bass coming from your PSB's with those 10" drivers. Therefore, the question of placement, shelf or stand, becomes even more critical.

I would take all of the above into consideration first so I could make a list of those brands that would work best for me. Then make the trip, listen and come back with a short list, and ask the question of actual owners of those brands about what they think. You will be a lot closer to finding out what is the best speaker for you and not us.

Or run the risk of dozens of recommendations that will get you nowhere. Good luck in your quest and happy listening.