Monitors for Pass Labs 60 INT


I am looking to upgrade my KEF50's. My setup is strictly digital (NAS>Aries>Vega>PL 60INT) in a relatively small room (8x12). I was considering the Raidho x1, but didn't like how the two paired.

Can anyone make recommendations for some monitors to audition in the 10k range?

Thank you! 
I own the KEF 50’s in a second system and the EA MMMicoone, so we may like the same things. I use all class A amplification as well.

I would recommend Evolution Acoustics MMMicroone, Vapor Cirrus, Dynaudio C1 Sig, Sonus Faber Guarneri Evolution or Olympica 1, and the LaHave Audio CFR.

Good Luck in your search!
I felt that the amp was too warm and not fast enough for the x1. they craved speed. I haven't tried the c1.1s. not sure if those will be any different. 
tom, the Evolution Acoustics MMMicroone seem interesting, do you think I have enough power to truly make them sing?