Monoblock Aegirs

I am moving my old Vandersteen 2ce sig II out of the media room and setting up a 2 channel listening room in a pretty good size space in our front room, 25’ x 25’ with a large adjoining dinning room and 10’ ceilings. I have been known to be asked to turn it down by the wife. I was looking at getting a Cambridge Audio CXN V2 for streaming duties connected to a Schiit Freya + preamp and I am debating on amplification. Curious if anyone has hooked up a pair of monoblock Aegirs to the Sig II’s and how well they drove them on the bottom end? Or am I better off with the Vidar?
Thanks, appreciate the info on the sound quality issues caused by bridging, I had never looked in to it. Using both had crossed my mind but I had always read that when bi-amping the amps should be of the same type. The sys would address the gain issues. Curious if putting the sys in-line would negate the benefits of the relayed volume in the Freya +?
395garrison OP
Thanks, appreciate the info on the sound quality issues caused by bridging, I had never looked in to it. Using both had crossed my mind but I had always read that when bi-amping the amps should be of the same type.
They are very much the same amp, very similar circuit topology. Study the closeup photos.
Just the Aegir has much low rail voltage and higher Class-A bias than the Vidar.

Cheers George
If you haven’t check there are you tube reviews of the Aegirs in monoblocks. There are two that I know of and one opined that the Aegirs don’t really suffer in terms of SQ when used as a monoblocks. It’s not officially rated with 4 ohm speakers but I run it with a pair (4 ohms) and so far my speakers has not gone into protection mode at all. There are a lot of 4 ohm speakers though that just won’t work . And as long as you have efficient speakers the Aegirs in Monoblocks have plenty of power and really improves the bass performance Vs Stereo Aegir .  The stereo Aegir is really great by itself as long as your speakers are efficient. And although the Vidar has more power and a little more bass , the Aegir sounds better.  I started with a stereo Vidar and I used the LOKI a whole lot, moved on to the Aegir and used the loki very seldom. I can’t really use the loki now that i have Aegir monoblocks because i prefer balanced sources , but I am satisfied with the Aegir monos . I don’t really miss the Loki. Just sharing my experience. Thanks 
Thanks delvalle237, I appreciate the first hand experience. I believe I saw the same two reviews and that was what was steering me away from the Vidar. I also saw some measurements maybe on sterophile, I can't remember, where going mono didn't increase the wattage all that much.  The 2ce sig II's have 86dB sensitivity and 7 Ohms nominal impedance.  So in my limited knowledge/experience it looks like it is not all that well suited for a single stereo configuration with Aegir.  Too many choices!
I’ll have to take your word, I wouldn’t know what I am looking at. Just want to make them sound good at a somewhat reasonable price. Maybe I will have to buy them all and see what arrangement works best and send what I don’t use back.

Also need to take a look at the Belles Aria that was mentioned when I have some time.
