more mcintosh questions

As I have struggled with my thoughts of changing and have read many reviews of Mcintosh integrated amps and have found that matched with the Apogee speakers that I have have that it doesn't sound like the proper match (ie. bass has been said to be "wooley" & top end extention seems to be a bit lacking). I have been looking at the following Macs: MA6850, MA6500, MA6600 on the used market as a possibile replacement for my Classe CAP 151 to mate to an ARC CD 3 but as I've listened to my rig for the past 3 hrs (with ease) I'm not sure that change would be correct as I get the nightmarish thoughts of the Carver that I had at one time (great lush mids but lousey bass control and some what rolled off highs) and I don't want to be making such a mistake again and my other thoughts have been to go to a Bryston B100SST int but, the combo could be too bright and or analitical. I still can use level headed subjective opinions as to help ('cause the Apogees and the ARC are going anywhere!) as I'd really like to stay integrated but as a last resort I might search again for seperates but I'd like to warm the sound up just a bit more. Thanks again in advance.
get a mac integrated with autoformers. perfect match, rock bottom bass, and incredible disappearing act.
Jaybo is correct. Stop agonizing and get a Mac ...with Autoformers. And please, don't compare it to a Carver!