@krelldog You mention there’s no demand for high-end audio and mid-fi gear. I am experiencing the same impression but in a different way.

A lot of people over at AVS think all DACs sound the same, all preamps sound the same. And all amps sound the same. Amps in AVR are as good as any external amp. This is not an exaggeration, they really think that. Some make claims such as "I have tried external amplification, no difference from my AVR". No context what amp was tested.

So in a nutshell, a lot of them think everything sounds the same. What about cables? Forget about it, purely snakeoil. The quality and purity of the metal don’t matter. The connectors don’t matter. They all sound the same.

So let me ask you this, in a world where everything sounds the same to these people, how are legacy companies going to thrive? BTW, I don’t think these companies in the discussion are good and worth keeping around.

We have new companies popping up that are extremely talented. Many from Denmark. 

I have never been to his house/store. I've never met him, and have nothing to say positive or negative.

His store- Don Better Audio

His brands are very niche, and he's retail + tax kinda guy.

I do know a couple people that have bought from him. They had no complaints, and all agreed he's very knowledgeable.


2,991 posts


@nonoise Yes Andrew Robinson is a fraud. Honestly I don't know why anyone would review contemporary Marantz gear in the audiophile category. It's cheap mass produced, mass market stuff


denon and marantz are long gone. who cares if the name finally disappears from current production materials? klipsh, tho--im surprised they are at risk.

I suspect the audio industry, like many others, and Harley-Davidson comes to mind, are finding the baby boom generation has passed the peak years of spending.  As a member of that group, I can say I've accumulated most of what I need/want, and will not be a great customer in the future.  The generations coming behind the boomers are smaller, poorer (?) and have different tastes.  The book Boom Bust Echo was a good read on this subject.