Most demanding passages for a turntable & system

Analog setup: Technics SL1210 with KAB re-wire, RCA plate Cardas Litz RCA, Shelter 501II, Krell KPE Ref pre.
Cartridge weight set @ 1.2, anti-skate @ 1.0. Arm height @ 2.1 on the scale.
I've always used Emerson Lake & Palmers 1st LP to strain the heck out the the setup. The last song on side one "Knife-Edge" ends in a passage that absolutley will work the analog setup to its extreme. Also a passage on side 2's "Three Fates" comes a very close 2nd.
"Dark Side of the Moon" aint bad,but not that streneous on the turntable setup I think.
What do others use to really give the turntable "the ol' acid test", so to speak?
Not to get off topic but dosen't your TT have a built in phono pre amp? If so, is that what the KAB rewire does? (Eliminate it so that you can use your Krell).
I use a Basis Debut vac & Graham Arm, never had a problem with the right geometry, internal vibrations, always spot on with even the most demanding records ( Pines of Rome ).....
I don't know how demanding this is for a cartridge to track, but it will surely tell you if your system is up to snuff: Sheffield Drum Track LP.

This uncompressed direct to disk recording is extremely dynamic. You will be able to tell very quickly if the amp/speaker match is good, how much distortion is in your system and how well your turntable is isolated. It is also a resolution acid test.

I often use this LP to test components under audition and what friends' systems are capable of. It can be very humbling and may cause ear ringing if played at appropriate levels. Use caution.
I also use Sheffield's Drum Record, especially the side with Jim Keltner. Compare your listening experience with that of the liner notes. If your system doesn't match up, then, your system has a weakness.

I also play Mozart's 2 piano concerto. If I can clearly identify which piano is playing, that is the better piece of equipment.