Most enduring audio purchase

What has stuck with you through thick and thin, through upgrades, and through downsizing?

For me it's easy- bought in 1985, used frequently, works perfectly- my Zerostat!

I'm on my 5th set of speakers since then, been through 4 amps and on my 2nd integrated, 6th CD player, 3 tuners, 3rd turntable, 6th cartridge, 5 preamps, 2 phono pres, 5 headphones ( and I adore my current headphones & headphone amp combo) but my Zerostat (red) rocks!
Both my Deja Vu power amp and my JMlbabs Micro-Utopia speakers have been with me since 2006 and I plan to keep both for a very long time.
I'll add some more- but my Zerostat still rules.

LP12 1st bought in 1998 and in its present form (Ekos, Lingo, Arkiv B) since 2000

Revel F30- owned since 2000. I do have aftermarket jumpers between the bi wire binding posts (Zu)

Those are 2nd tier most enduring

I also bought my tuner in 2000 but it was significantly modified by the factory in 2012 so that doesn't exactly count.

Nice to se others no aren't searchers and flippers