Most Flexible Audiophile Preamp

The Hovland Preamp HP-100 offers 7-8, depending on if you have the optional phono or not, line options. This I love since I have so many line sources including reel to reel, cassette, CD recorder, DVD recorder/player, VCR, tube and solid state tuners etc. I liked the flexibility of multiple deck dubbing of old but realize this is all but gone now. Most preamps lately are limited to only 3 to 5 sources other than the Home Theatre Preamps. To me the HT preamps provide access to crappy hollywood sources which to me is opposite to living a quality, questioning life. I like a few movies but do not want to be controlled by it. Controlled by throwing lots of money at it and making a room and my time a prisoner to that use. I do not want to dilute musical quality for a zillion video input/output options and fruitless attempts to keep up with zillion speaker output options. Something about this HT built in obsolescence stuff (never ending video/audio formats, HDTV options created while others abandoned) seems very irresponsible and true to the marketing makes the need in the USA mentality !

What are your choices for most musical flexible preamp? When replying if you can give the number of line inputs, recording options, and output options I am sure others will greatly appreciate this information. If the unit has a phono preamp built in what is your opinion of the quality of the phono preamp. Price for me can range up to $8000 new or used.
how can it be most flexible but not offer multichannel inputs? I understand your need for lots of sources, I have 8 sources and am considering two more. (CD, Phono, Tuner, SACD, DVD, tape deck, VCR, Laserdisc) The Meridian 860 is interesting, how similar is it to the 861 that John C> - Aussie has over on AA?

Ideally I'd like my preamp to have three inputs. 1. Built-in active MC phono, 2. passive (TVC?) volume control for redbook CD, and a 3. HT/bypass (passive or unity gain?) for a pre/pro to connect the rest of the sources. I'd sacrifice the extra inputs for lesser used sources in order to get a great phonostage. You could also consider one of those cryo'ed Jena Labs input switchers. Put all of your lessers used sources on the switchers and use wyour last input on the preamp. Seems like we have to compromise somewhere.

I'm not convinced you can built such a beast (for what I would consider an acceptable pricetag). Unfortunately it seems as you have found out the only real market for that many inputs is the HT crowd. And they aren't as demanding of purity of sonics as 2CH audiophiles are! Sad but true.

But for those you want some real flexibility and don't mind the processing the Meridian does, it should make a fine preamp. I'm sure the cost is prohibitive though.
The Meridian 861 v4 does have room correction and, if you feed it to Meridian DSP loudspeakers, it the D/A comes after the crossovers.
