Most overrated bands

What are some examples of seriously overrated bands? My candidates are

1. Led Zeppelin
2. Velvet Underground
3. U2
4. Ramones
5. The Who
Crap is crap and you are doing no favor to someone when you fail to point that out to whether they like it or not . There are absolutes .
We agree to disagree. I mean, I find intellectual and musical satisfaction in Reich's Music for 18 Musicians just as much as I do in Debbie Gibson's "Only In My Dreams".

Crap is crap, but music is music. To set some arbitrary "absolute" is the same as saying the world has to reflect you, rather than vice versa.

Just one question—have you had a chance to hear Gould’s rendition of Appassionatta?
I believe God creates absolutes as his  creation shows.
In NO way do I think anything reflects me other than my mirror .

If you think a band is overrated, get over it.
Why get over it?   If they are crap in my opinion then I will say so. 

Saying an artist is overrated is akin to saying you're somehow better and more discerning than that artist's fanbase and catalog.
Non sequitur.  Scores well on political correctness, though.

Complete narcissistic bollux.
If you think other's opinions are overrated, get over it.