Most Rockingest Preamp south of $2k used

I'm curious if anyone knows of, has heard about or owns a preamp that simply does the most justice to rock n roll, under $2k (or more) used. The one SS pre I owned (Odyssey) seemed a bit light in the mids and bass, arguably the two most important components to rock. Then I went tubes, and I think it's in the right direction. Regardless of SS or tube, I would think the ultimate rock pre would be a PRAT king, maybe even pushing the beat a little, certainly not laid back, with great bass, mids and dimensionality and overall musicality (vs analytical). Am I missing anything?

I'm tired of putting the cart before the horse -- researching what's for sale on agon as opposed to having a few models to look out for and keeping an eye out for them. Who's got a say in the most rockingest pre?

Yes, but I think I would want those things for other forms of music as well even if everything may not be as important for specific works or genres
I've heard pre's that are light in mids and bass (and therefore slam). Others seemed to be a little slow. Those may work fine for some types of music, but for rock specifically I think the listener would find it lacking.
Give a VTL TL 2.5 or if you can swing it a TL 5.5 a shot, You might just find what you're looking for. (I did)
Good luck in your search
O.K i'm new with all this terminology what does PRAT stand for, and is it something that will make music more enjoyable.
Pace Rhythm and Timing. I meant it to be in this case not a sluggish or slow sound, something with perceivable drive