mother passed away - pro recording help needed

i don't know how to write this request without sounding pathetic but my mother of 62 just passed away due to a misdiagnosis and a horrible hospital mistake (many, in fact.) I'm an artist (mostly dramatic writing but also in various versions of performance art) and i have been breaking down in the most random situations because of my sorrow. I've never been witness to such grief and i think it's worth documenting (for incorporation in some later work, i'm not sure what yet.) i'd like to record myself in these moments and want the best possible sound but it must be portable since i never know when i'm going to freak out. can someone please recommend some system including a mic? I don't like mp3 or minidisc. is there something better? a dat, maybe? regardless, i'm not able to research anything under the circumstances so a detailed recommendation including all the gear i need (including prices for used and new, if possible) would be very much appreciated.

I know others have gone through tragic loses but i hope all others reading this escape such an experience. there are no words to describe the sadness. my mother, like most mothers, was a beautiful person and i'll never be the same without her.

thank you,

p.s. please excuse me if i don't answer responses or express thanks for's very hard for me to just exist right now but i will certainly be appreciative of any help, whether i'm able to respond it here or not.
thanks to everybody who responded. i'm going to look into the suggestions today.
if there are other ideas, please send them. i'm hoping to buy something soon, though.
take care,
No to DAT. They are great for music but wayyy too expensive for voice. I'd give 2 suggestions: the cheapest way is a portable tape recorder from radio shack that uses regular cassetts. Mini tapes are extremely expensive and too short on time. The other choice is a digital voice recorder. They are tiny, record about 4 hours at a time and are great to edit on any computer. I have 2 and can say that it's awesome saving to my hard drive. If you are interested, contact me and I'll give you a nice deal on one of them (radio shack 14-1189).
My sincere sympathy on your loss. I experienced the loss of my wonderful mother under similar circumstances with a misdiagnosis and numerous mistakes by the doctors only 5 short months ago. You are right when you say words cannot describe the pain, sadness, sorrow and anger that is felt with such a loss. I know I will never be the same again. I took care of my mother the last 8 months of her time here on earth, and while it was very hard trying to keep an income going and giving her care, I don't regret it one bit. In fact, I'm honored and grateful to have been so close to her toward the last part of her life. There are times when I just cannot believe she's passed away. I, too will break down at the most random situations and I know part of me died with her. I'm trying to put my life back together, but it seems so overwhelming at times to do the most simple things. I feel I'm going crazy sometimes. I am going to a grief group and am working with a professional. I by no means want to put this behind me, but hope to find some peace, and I hope you can too. I don't know if you have a support network, but if you would like to email me, I will be glad to give you whatever support I can. I am truly sorry for the loss of your wonderful mother and I'm not going to say I know what you're going through because we all grieve differently, but I do know you're in a great amount of pain and my thoughts and prayers are with you.
I'm sorry to hear such bad news Dennis and I do feel your pain, I have just lost my beautiful 31 year old daughter on March 31.

I think Elevick has a good idea for you.

Dennis- I am sorry for your loss. I am fortunate to have both of my parents still alive at 80 but my wife lost her father suddenly many years ago (also at 62). Her grief was overwhelming for some time, but you may be comforted by the fact that it does become progressively more bearable with time. We both miss him greatly, but now the memories of the good times and appreciation of his being are stronger than the pain of the loss. Best wishes.