Mounting of a tonearm.

I have an Oracle turntable with a rare Micro Seiki TA-1 tonearm. I don't have any dimensions or instructions for the installation of the tonearm.
How critical is the measurement from the spindle to the tonearm.?
How would i be able to determine the correct measurement ?

The tonearm sounds great the way it is installed but on some recordings i hear a little distortion on the last track and i am wondering if this dimension would have anything to do with it.
I am not familiar with the Micro Seiki TA-1 arm but if it has a slotted headshell then the arm location is not critical. The distance that matters is from the stylus to the pivot point and this can be adjusted by moving the cartridge in the headshell.
2002ss335 is correct.


Arm mounting distance per se has little sonic effect. It's true every arm is designed for some specific mounting distance, but that distance was chosen for one reason only - to ennable a particular cartridge alignment geometry (Baerwald, Stevenson, Rega, single point, etc.) If a cartridge can be aligned using the intended geometry then the arm mounting distance is close enough. Moving the arm a mm or two will have little practical effect. You'll have to move the cartridge in the opposite direction to compensate and you'll be right back where you started.

Interestingly, if you're using (or wish to use) a non-specified alignment geometry you can choose a non-specified arm mounting distance. I have intentionally mounted tonearms at non-specified dimensions in order to use a better alignment geometry than the one intended by the arm manufacturer. Superior alignment geometry matters much more than tonearm mounting distance.


IGD is not caused by incorrect VTF, VTA or antiskating. Those mis-adjustments sound quite different.

While incorrect cartridge zenith alignment or an inferior geometry do contribute to IGD, in my experience it is mostly caused by inadequate cartridges. I have cartridges that produce audible IGD on any arm no matter how they're aligned. I have other cartridges which do not produce much audible IGD at all, even when misaligned.

Stylus profile seems to be the biggest factor. The finer the stylus contact surfaces, the less IGD. Spherical and elliptical styli are the worst. Line contact styli are better. Micro-ridge styli are better still. It is difficult to set a micro-ridge stylus up badly enough to produce audible IGD.

An inadequate phono stage can also substantially worsen the effects of IGD. This is a less explored area, but it's easily heard and demonstrated if you have multiple phono stages to perform comparisons.
You might have a worn stylus?
I use a koetsu blue onyx an sme 5. It has an eliptical stylus, all the top koetsus do as far as I can understand.
I dont have these probles but some older (70s or earlier can occaisonally show some IGD. The only ones I've come across are secondhand/well used records. The implication being haevy use with a large old old colaro maybe with really heavy sping-loaded arm and a rather crude stylus a.k.a. a SPIKE!
Best of luck
Thanks everyone for your feedback. I have found after very careful checking of adjustments that the distortion i am hearing is on the record i am playing. It only happens on the last track of one lp. When i first heard the distortion i thought it was in the setup so i tried re-adjusting everything i could but could not reduce it. I was concentrating on that one lp only cause the lp was only 3 weeks old with maybe 5 plays and thought it should not have any distortion it is new. I noticed the distortion from day one but thought it was setup issues. I played a dozen records or so last night and heard some distortion but only a couple times on some 35 year old records.
I am new to vinyl so i am not sure what distortion is part of the setup or on the lp.

I am using a ZYX airy 3 which should track just about anything . I have some cartridge alignment tools on the way , so far i am just using a paper template i downloaded off the internet from Enjoy the music.

Thanks again
That's good news.

IGD is a function of tracking angle error and the shorter modulations of inner grooves, but that's not your problem or you'd have it on many records. IGD has nothing to do with the age or condition of any particular record, so the term doesn't apply here.

Out of curiosity, which LP is this and what does the distortion sound like? It might be interestng to figure out what's actually happening.