Posting some of Nassim Taleb’s definitions again. You know that guy who wrote a book considered one of the most influential in the 20th century, and has held many distinguished posts, not some guy who has no science training, never worked in the sciences, and has no scientific accomplishments, but seems upset that actual scientists don’t take him seriously so wrote a blog only geoff quotes. Now let’s look at who Taleb considered "Intellectual yet Idiot". There were maybe 15 points, but I thought these were the most salient.
Confucious say, "Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
I am sure you will attempt to come back with some "witty" retort, but I did not write those words, Taleb did ... oh, and so did you. Guilty by your own actions. You also quoted someone who is literally a joke within any "normal" community, i.e. one that is not laden with tin-hat conspiracy theorists. I didn't quote him, you did. Guilt by association. If that is the type of person you want to be associated, have at it. It's far more a compliment to me than an insult.
- doesn’t know that there is no difference between "pseudointellectual" and "intellectual" (cough cough -- remind anyone of someone we know??)
- has mentioned quantum mechanics at least twice in the past 5 years (cough cough -- remind anyone of someone we know??)
Confucious say, "Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
I am sure you will attempt to come back with some "witty" retort, but I did not write those words, Taleb did ... oh, and so did you. Guilty by your own actions. You also quoted someone who is literally a joke within any "normal" community, i.e. one that is not laden with tin-hat conspiracy theorists. I didn't quote him, you did. Guilt by association. If that is the type of person you want to be associated, have at it. It's far more a compliment to me than an insult.