moving coil loading

I'm getting back into my audiophile hobby and dusting off my vintage gear. I have a question on the preamp loading impedance my Fidelity Research MC-201 cartridge. The specs for the cartridge are:

Stylus: 0.3 x 2mil line-contact solid diamond stylus

Output voltage: 0.16mV

Coil impedance: 8 ohms

Load impedance: 10 ohms

My Acoustat Trans nova preamp allows me to install any resisters required for loading the MC circuit. Just not sure on what value resistors to use. Any guidance would be appreciated. If more information is needed let me know


If the phono section is resistant to RFI at its input, its plug and play with no worries about loading

@atmasphere ,

That’s the problem!

We don’t know how resistant the Acoustat Trans nova preamp MC phono section is to RFI.

IMO, a load resistance of 10 times the coil impedance or higher will not severely load down the cartridge, and my advice to the OP is to try different values ​​and find what works best for him.

BTW, you can find the schematic of Acoustat Trans nova preamp HERE in page 8 and 9.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.




@imhififan If that schematic is correct, that preamp is susceptible to RFI injected directly into its input via the tonearm cable. So the 30dB peak that can result from certain LOMC cartridges would likely cause the phono section to make distortion- which would likely cause it to sound bright.

If you look at the left channel input, you'll see that the input isn't directly inside the feedback network. So when the peak is active (which can be energized and set into oscillation by the cartridge signal) it can overload the input, creating a distortion similar to 'transient intermodulation distortion' that occurred with some high feedback amplifiers made about the same time.

Loading is probably the most practical solution; If the input were modified with RF protection (and stopping resistors in the circuit) it could be rendered immune. But most phono section designers didn't take the significance of putting an inductor in parallel with a capacitance... they figured if they had enough gain and proper EQ they were home free.

I would start with something a lot higher than just 10X (maybe start with 1000Ohms) since what you're up to is killing the RFI generated. The highest value that can kill it will likely also be the best sounding.


Wow so much info, making my head spin. I was going to try copy and paste pages 4+5 from the manual which discusses mc loading, but if you follow the link above you can look at it directly. I just sent the preamp out to be checked out and potentially upgraded, that's why I wanted to research the loading issue and figured this is the best time to get it right.

I do appreciate all the comments and help

The preamp only supply 6 sets of loading resistors, that is the reason I recommend the metal film resistor kit, it contains 1280 pieces 64-value ±1% metal film resistors for $10. My suggestion is start with 82Ω or 100Ω, and try different values ​​​​to find what sounds best to you.