Multichannel Amp suggestions

Hello. I want to purchase a new 5-7 channel amp to build a new system. I am looking to spend no more than 4 grand new. My speakers are Triangle Esprit line. I have Celiuses for fronts with the Major center and Comete rears. I am going to use my Celiuses for 2 channel also cause I listen to a great deal of music. I would really appreciate some companies that I should be looking at. I want to do one amp due to space. Also what are some factors that make a good amp also: like is number of power supply that important, capacitors for each cannel? I currently have a NAD receiver that I'll continue to use for a pro till I decide to get a new one. I figure this is the best place to put my money right now for the future do to how things are evolving at this time with DVD and such.

Thanks so much,

So far I have NAD and Bryston in my head. Where else should I look?

Take care,
I am quite intrigued by the Butler 5 channel tube/solid state hybrid (and it's within your budget!!) - this thing looks *nice*, check it out:

Check out the reviews on the Cary Cinema 5. I noticed they have a demo unit for sale with full warranty at Upscale Audio.
I had read about Butler audio a few weeks ago. I was going to check it out more due to Triangle liking tubes also. When I first auditioned the Triangles it was with NAD gear first the regular integrated and then the masters series. I also heard them on a tube but not sure what it was.

Krugorg: Any experience with Cary audio?

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Butler, Marsh, Krell, Parasound, ATI, B & K
Parasound THX and B & K units have input volume controls on the back, so you don't have to modify pre/processor settings
ATI and B & K has highest price/performance ratio