Music for "Tough Times"

When you're feeling lousy, or maybe just had a tough day, what one LP, CD, tape, etc. do you play to make you feel better? In my case it's Cowboy Junkies CD "The Caution Horses". Margo Timmins voice is at once soft and soothing, but also haunting and immediate. This is music that I can get lost in. What music do others use on occasions like this?
Nothing like Joy Division to cheer one up. You feel better cuz here's someone proving that he's worse off than you. Can't stand cheerful music when feeling down, yuck!

Also someone mentioned Nick Cave "The Boatman's Call", it's one I use too.

I just can't believe noone has mentioned (unles I missed it, then I apologize)....

Frank Zappa: Sheik Yerbouti

His satire of the LA scene (though a bit childish at times) can always provoke a smile. How he got all those talented guitarists to play this stuff for him, I'll never know.
joy division i am afraid... or some russian punk rock. or some norwegian metal. or Aggaloch-'Pale folklore'... or Fleetwood Mac... go figure. :)
I like to match my blue mood and gradually goto something brighter and happier. I start with a slow section of a symphony like Mahler or Bruckner, and end with Mozart to cheer me up.