Pubul57, the other day, a friend brought an RM9 to my house, I'also have Joulet Electra 150MK11se, and merlins vsm mme, and wasn't a good match, had gain problems,
had to turn my preamp, around 4oclock" to get decent sound,
and the noise floor was horrible, we try both settings,
low-Hi, and still had same problem, at normal levels, sounded very sweet and holographic with the EL34s
but had to shot it off, and go back to my QS,V4, mono amps,
have you experience same problem with your set up?
had to turn my preamp, around 4oclock" to get decent sound,
and the noise floor was horrible, we try both settings,
low-Hi, and still had same problem, at normal levels, sounded very sweet and holographic with the EL34s
but had to shot it off, and go back to my QS,V4, mono amps,
have you experience same problem with your set up?