Music Reference RM9 - user comments please

I am considering of getting a used RM9 for my Merlin-TSM, can any user of the amp comments.
I used to have the 1.6/RM9 combo. The music reference drove the maggies superbly in my 16X26 room. The 1.6s have long been gone, but the RM9 is still the anchor in my system.

I've had the original RM-9 for ten years. No problems whatsoever. I concur with the above posts but think that the KT-88 is way better sounding than the EL-34 or 6550. Buy one, you'll probably own it for life.
It is an awesome amp,I have owned it for 15 years and love it.I have had no problems with and have changed the stock tubes to winged c el 34.I drive a pair of eminent tech 8 with no problems the combo is killer.
Troyca, what other amp are you comparing it to that you feel it is better than? NAD 3020, or CAT JL2 - know what I mean? What is you comparative context?