Music Reference RM9 vs RM9 MKII

This amp has been recommended to me and I'd like to know what everyones opinion is about it's performance. I've been looking for one and there not for sale. Are they that good?
Thanks for your experiences, I do know that the MKII was used to make the prototypes of the Merlin TSM speakers. Lastly I am looking seriously to buy one so perhaps someone out there has one there not using and could use some $$$$$$. Thanks Richard
Yo, Potsy.It is/was not necessary to send the unit to the factory to change tube type.The tube sockets have the pin receptacales for el34,6550, & kt88's.Must have had something else done???
Hi, I have found an original RM 9 with EL34 tubes. In speaking with the owner who was straight forward with me he told me the unit has a hum audible at the unit to about 2 feet away. He states that it does not go thru to the speakers or affect the sound. He further states that he was told this was common with the RM9's. George, do you or anyone else have any thoughts about this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Richard
I currently own the successor to the rm9 the rm200 and I can tell you that it is outstanding. I run it with EI KT90's and the sound is top notch and untouchable for 2k used. This amp is a hybrid design with bipolars in the input (unlike the rm9) and walked all over my previos VT100 mkii at about 1K less. My speakers are Meadowlark Shearwater hot rots and the Rm2oo was recommended by Pat Mcginty at meadowlark as he uses this amp for all his listenig. Very highly recommended. I have never heard the rm9