Music to make you laugh by

No, I don't mean the text of a song as an example. Rather the musical content of a given piece of music, which by listening to it, be it in concert or at home in front of your rig, has made you laugh out loud or grin or smile, because it was funny or amusing in a clever way.
Tom Lehrer made folk music relevant almost fifty years ago (An Evening Wasted With...). Randy Newman's songs reward close listening (Sail Away, Trouble in Paradise, Little Criminals...). Martin Mull could outsmarm anybody - his whitebread blues are the best...whitebread blues (...and His Fabulous Furniture in Your Living Room). Billy Connolly, once you get used to the accent, is a great stand up comedian who happens to play guitar and banjo extremely well (Billy & Albert, Songs & Music). Occasionally I still love to listen to National Lampoon's Lemmings - some pretty decent musical parodies.
Obviously I had forgotten the spine of this thread by the time I read through it. For music which is humorous in and of its content, try Mingus' "Fables of Faubus" off Mingus Ah Um.
I was listening to and watching the Tony Bennet Birthday show on NBC last week and Stevie Wonder was doin it on a chromatic harp and he did this little thing that made me laugh out loud. Then Tony laughed too it was that good !

Best Regards

listening to
Van Morrison Inarticulate Speach of the Heart WB 1-23802 Vinyl
Toss up: Florence Foster Jenkins singing opera/Leonard Nimoy doing "If I Had a Hammer."