For power cords, I have tried a Harmonic Tech Pro AC-11, a VH Audio Flavor 2 (yeah, I know its not recommended for digital), and a Van DenHul Mainstream Hybrid. The Van denHul was the best of the lot, but still not quite satisfying. As an experiment, I switched the Cardas Golden Reference the I had on my amp to the A5 and put the Mainstream on my amp. Bingo. Everything clicked and sounds very very nice. Weird how these combinations can have an unusual synergy.
By the way, Mrtennis is correct; the A5 is not a warm player. It is a very smooth but tonally neutral player. Although it may not have the warm sound that one would expect from a tube CD player, there are moments when I find myself amazed at how natural this player can sound.
By the way, Mrtennis is correct; the A5 is not a warm player. It is a very smooth but tonally neutral player. Although it may not have the warm sound that one would expect from a tube CD player, there are moments when I find myself amazed at how natural this player can sound.