More importantly, I think you owe Marakanetz an apology, eh?
His moniker should have at least offered you a clue that English is not his first language. Wider berths, please....
Following a decade of baroque training and short-wave listening, I freelanced as a roving teen-age church organist before farting around with drugs and engineering at Brown in the early 70s.
A 10 year stint designing lab equipment, QA systems and pounding on an old upright preceded my current dozen years earning the SubaruGuru title. (Life's too weird!).
Last few years have found me romanticizing my dream keyboard (Steinway B) and, after revisiting speaker design mishaps, now assembling my ref system. (I mean, how the hell do you compete with Verity Audio? Phew!)
Still, however, my malfunctioning mind (along with your help) keeps me surprised that my daughters and wife are thrilled when I buy a $200 DVD for their TV, while they could care less about my EMC-1 MkII.
We aging guys have some serious educating to do, eh?
Or what?.... Keep well. Ern