mijostyn writes:
This is what psychologists call projection. Whatever you are doing you project onto someone else. Instead of actually listening to what they are saying.
Which if you did mijostyn, what you will read if you can be bothered is pretty much everything I have written is based on my actual experience. There is posted among the many threads my actual experience of actually reversing phase, adjusting phase, and trying different locations.
What actually happens- actually not in your imaginary theory world but a real live room- is when you reverse the phase the drum does not disappear. You still hear it. In fact it sounds almost exactly the same. Not quite. You can’t ever change anything and yet have everything be the same. But you said, "Out of phase and you feel nothing." That could hardly be further from the truth.
Now at this point I have to be clear. I’m talking about the lowest bass component only. Of course if you reverse phase on the main speakers the drum is going to go from being focused and located to the opposite, coming from everywhere. At very low frequencies though, and with four subs- which is what we are talking about- its a completely different story. The kick drum does not disappear to "nothing". Talk about unsupported assumptions!
So much for your projecting your own faults onto me. What about your projecting your own misunderstandings onto the Swarm?
You say everything about the SWARM is entirely unsupported assumptions. In fact the distributed bass array concept is based on extensive real world measurement and experimentation. In sharp contrast to your fantasy of it being all "unsupported assumptions" it is in fact only there because of the measurements. In other words it was not a case of a theory in search of evidence. It was the exact opposite of that. It was a case of testing and measurement and then eventually figuring out how to explain why we get those measurements. And only then what to do about it.
Its Audiogon. Someone is always getting something worse than backwards, then posting authoritatively about it. So nothing new here. But just because others do it doesn’t mean you have to follow them over the cliff.
I’m afraid millercarbon is spouting off with excuses to support his infatuation with SWARM systems, all of which are entirely unsupported assumptions which in reality are entirely wrong.
This is what psychologists call projection. Whatever you are doing you project onto someone else. Instead of actually listening to what they are saying.
Which if you did mijostyn, what you will read if you can be bothered is pretty much everything I have written is based on my actual experience. There is posted among the many threads my actual experience of actually reversing phase, adjusting phase, and trying different locations.
What actually happens- actually not in your imaginary theory world but a real live room- is when you reverse the phase the drum does not disappear. You still hear it. In fact it sounds almost exactly the same. Not quite. You can’t ever change anything and yet have everything be the same. But you said, "Out of phase and you feel nothing." That could hardly be further from the truth.
Now at this point I have to be clear. I’m talking about the lowest bass component only. Of course if you reverse phase on the main speakers the drum is going to go from being focused and located to the opposite, coming from everywhere. At very low frequencies though, and with four subs- which is what we are talking about- its a completely different story. The kick drum does not disappear to "nothing". Talk about unsupported assumptions!
So much for your projecting your own faults onto me. What about your projecting your own misunderstandings onto the Swarm?
You say everything about the SWARM is entirely unsupported assumptions. In fact the distributed bass array concept is based on extensive real world measurement and experimentation. In sharp contrast to your fantasy of it being all "unsupported assumptions" it is in fact only there because of the measurements. In other words it was not a case of a theory in search of evidence. It was the exact opposite of that. It was a case of testing and measurement and then eventually figuring out how to explain why we get those measurements. And only then what to do about it.
Its Audiogon. Someone is always getting something worse than backwards, then posting authoritatively about it. So nothing new here. But just because others do it doesn’t mean you have to follow them over the cliff.