My Harbeth C7ES-3 story...

I’ve been using Zu Omen DW’s for the past 2yrs and really enjoy them.

every time I go to RMAF I find myself enjoying the Harbeth and Spendor speakers, so I started researching them, stumbled upon the “bbc midrange magic” touted and everything thing I read pointed to something I thought I’d like.

my first step was to grab a pair of used Spendor S3/5’s. My thinking was if I enjoyed them I would then look for a bigger style. I was first looking at the Spendor A4 and A6R’s and as I kept reading I ran across the Harbeths. In particular the C7ES3 (Compact 7’s).

At this point I had researched like crazy and had my eye on a pair of used Spendor A6R’s. It was really hard to find used C7’s so I was leaning towards the Spendors.

I had a work trip coming up to Toronto and one day the week before as I’ve been scouring the audio marts a pair of C7’s popped up, and low and behold they were in Toronto!! 1 mile from the hotel I was staying. So I pinged the guy and we started talking. Told him I’ll be in town etc. so I setup a time to go over to his house. They were mint condition with original boxes, consecutive serials etc so I grabbed them! Best part the dollar is strong against Canadian so ended up getting them for 50% off new.

Another great part is the boxes are not too big and was able to check them in on the plane, so shipped them back with me for $60.

Got them home and now I have them setup on some Skylans.

my biggest fear was the low end was not going to be full enough but boy was I wrong. First impressions from just 1hr of listening... the Zu’s will be hitting the market. Everyone says the Zu’s are very forward which I was fine with and they have their place, but after hearing the magic sound of the Harbeths it suits my style better.

I’ll follow up with more impressions later.
@gcknapp agree. Think it will come down to which one I feel more fond of just aesthetically etc. will have a more thorough listening session this weekend. 
@archguy yes the Harbeths sound great out in the room. I also want to test moving them closer to back wall just to experience the difference. But I prefer near field listening so after testing that I’m sure I’ll move them back into the room
Hi kray,
  This is Tea for One from AK. Imaging wise,how do the little Spendors fair against the Harbeths?
@rocray will test that and let you know. 
Haven’t hooked them up in a while with all the listening testing I’ve been doing with the Harbeths. 
I got some Harbeth P3ESR's this year and I'm totally smitten with them. The only speakers I'd replace these with would be the Compact 7s (or other larger Harbeth). Just magic sounding.

I'm powering them with a Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II - 100w all Tube integrated. Luscious sounding.

@creativepart heard great things about the Rogue Cronus Magnum. Might have to audition that amp.