My Last CD player

I like my vinyl but digital has its own set of benefits. When my last CD player fell of its perch, I move to streaming audio.  Overall, I have been happy with this decision.  I did notice that lately, a number of posters have been claiming that CD is “better” than streaming.  I figured that most of these were flat earthers. I recently had the opportunity to listen to a “new generation” CD player on a friends system.  I am not sure I would say it was better but it was different and in a very good way.  As I have an extensive CD collection, this set me off to evaluate a new CD player for my system .... at my age presumably the last I will own.  I have identified a few different used players that seem to check the short list boxes: Audio Research cd 7 SE, Ayon cd10 Signature II Ultimate, Ayon cd35 Signature I and Luxman 

D-06u.  I am auditioning the Ayon cd10 at home .... smooth, natural, musical, holographic image, but light on dynamics and soundstage. Anyone have experience with these players?  Any other suggestions?

I am surprised no one has mentioned Ayre. I have the C-5xeMP and it is superb in my system. I also have an EVS moded Oppo BDP-105D which is very good. The Ayre is markedly better as a CD player, they are about the same on SACD. I have not heard Ayre's current offerings but I've never heard or seen any complain about any of their gear. Always rave reviews.

Oops! I just visited their website and can't see anything with a drawer. I guess it would have to be used.
I would suggest not to buy a player from a company who decided to stop supporting the medium, plenty of good choice out there  from brand still in the game!

If your a music lover and your looking for a transport, C.E.C. is great !


There was just listed a Modwright Sony 5400 Signature Truth CD/SACD player with all the upgrades on usaudiomart.  Very reasonable price.  You will find NO better player on any of the websites.  I have this player and the sound is better than you can even imagine.  This was Dan Wright's best player modified.  You had better look quick.  There have been very few of these full blown modded Sony's appearing and definitely not at this price.


I tend to like MW players myself. Do you know why Dan does not stock extra critical parts for his creations? Perusing over his website, most models for mods, arte no longer offered?  Seems to me this is not good customer relations.

Happy Listening!

I just visited their website and can't see anything with a drawer. I guess it would have to be used.

Ayre is supposed to release a new CDP any day, in the 8-series. They talked about it in one of their “pints with Ayre” videos.