My Rega RP6, Exact combo may be going back due to hum.

Greetings again.

About a week ago I wrote on another thread the issue that I was having with my Rega RP6/Exact combo and the hum that it was making and how it got worse as the tonearm approached the spindle. My dealer is willing to take it back and exchange it for something different. He has been very gracious and even came to my house to diagnose the problem; returning the rig is not a problem. He has an Planar 3 with Elys 2 in the store with EXACTLY the same problem. He is also very disappointed at the product since just  recently started carrying the Rega line. I feel like I should purchase another table from him and the other choices are Music Hall, Project and the Marantz TT15 S1. I have heard the Marantz (made by Clearaudio) and it sounds great, although not in my system. He is also an Ortofon, Grado and Goldring dealer in case I want to try a different cartridge.  

Suggestions?? Thanks again. 
Pivetta was really hoping you could find an answer to your hum, As i said in your  last post I have the same problem with My RP3 with a Exact 2. I'm considering trying a Ortofon 2M Black  just to see if it's the cartridge not the table. The Ortofon gets great reviews but then the Rega did too.
We are still on the fence. Played quite a few records last nught and the table sounds great. However I am dissapointed by the hum and I am so ocd that knowing that it's there drives me crazy. 
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Rega is overly-overvalued deck that has very poor built quality that hasn’t improved since the day 1.

If you want to try out different cartridges, don’t count on neither Grado or Sumiko -- they will hum. Try Ortofon 2m to see if this cartridge is sufficiently shielded. It’s definitely NOT cartridge it’s motor’s EMI.