@aj523 That is very important to note. You are seeking recommendations based on a few constraints that will make it challenging to find the perfect speakers. Narrow baffles typically mean smaller drivers. For smaller drivers in narrow baffle speakers to put out plenty of low end, they rely on the cabinet and port design to be able to handle a lot of air moving in and out of it while remaining anti-resonant. In most cases, these types of speakers will be rear-ported, meaning they will benefit from being out 3-5ft into the room. If you can afford to do that, then you’ve got lots of options to play with. If you don’t have that flexibility, you will want to look at speakers that are side or bottom-ported to be able to place them closer to walls.
@fastfreight made an excellent recommendation with the Vivid Kaya 45. They are side ported and work really well close to walls. I am an authorized Vivid Audio dealer and would be happy to answer any questions you may have on their speakers, either on the thread or via private message.