My Yamamoto A-08s has arrived....Yay.

Hi Gonners

About six weeks ago I ordered the A-08s Direct from Shigeki Yamamoto in Japan to run my Avantgarde Duos. Now its turned up. I'm not sure if there is still much interest in this but in case anyone is ......

Just for background.
I've not had much experience with SETs. I'm limited to the DUO demo I had with a 300b based wavac and audionote system. It sounded pretty amazing but I wasn't sure if I could handle its razor fast imedeacy for prolonged listening. It was amazing though.

So I bought the duos, which, in the short term were paired with my ARC vt100. I soon sold the ARC to fund the Yamamoto.

So how does it sound ?????? In a word....sublime.

When I got the amp it reminded me of the first(and only) time I'd been to New York. I'd read about it , how amazing it was. I'd seen it on the TV, how exciting, vibrant etc it was going to be and I thought to myself. "This is going to be the best". But when I got there, it was like i'd hoped it would be only so much more so. The yamamoto is like that.

Yes its better looking than you think its going be...

Yes its more finely crafted that you were hoping...

and yes it sounds better than I was hoping.

All the old cliche's apply, re-visitd cd collections and so on from ac/dc though to zz-top (with Jazz/classical/opera/female-male vocals...... in between).

Every thing I've thrown at it so far has sounded better than i've heard it before. So fluid and Natural. Even some horrible, re-masterd cd's that I've almost binned. eg Led Zep remasters. I listened to it all the way through, no fatigue, no melted ears. Just lots of depth, detail and freedom from the speakers. Lovely. For the first time since I sold my Orbe/SMEV/MC30 I'm thinking that I might not need a turntable after all. My meridian 500/518/566 is sounding as good my analogue front end did.

In my opinion the a-08s is a phenominal bargin. Its the best money i've spent on any any hifi componant.
If you are considering and have compatable speakers then my advive would be to go for it.

Now a couple of observations.

1. Its not as quiet as I expected. I've got slight 230v hum if i stick my head a foot from my Mid range Horn and powered sub. Never a problem even when not playing music.

2. I was expecting it to come with Cunningham 45's. Its actually got a pair of "aristocrat" 45's which I've not seen before.

3. Its only 3 days old and probably its been playing music for 36 hours so far, Its getting better and better as time goes on. Bring on the Emission labs 45's next month.

If you've got this far thanks for reading my rant, if you have any questions or comments please post.


Mine showed up too. It's beautiful. Problem? Output tubes not here yet. If you get the EML's, they come separately and mine aren't here yet. So, I have a pretty and very quiet piece of industrial art.

It looks nice on my rack.

Talk about inky black backgrounds! And foregrounds!!

Very happy for your score.

A gorgeous looking (and apparently sounding) amp.

Have a ball.

Happy Listening
Thanks for your kind comments guys, I'm really enjoying listening.

Mik, the EML's are supposed to raise the perfomance a level or two, and they'll look stunning in your amp from the pics i've seen. I'd be really interested to read your comments on the A-08s with them once you've given them a whirl. I'm going to enjoy the amp with standard 45's for a while before trying the EML's.

Take care all.
always wanted to try one of those with my Duos, especially at the price. Enjoy!