Mytek Dac going Ac to DC power.

Feed back on those who Gone DC to power the Audio component's. As there's a number of AC/DC

power converters on the market place. BUT! SOME REALLY DON'T MEET a true Audiophile sonic bench mark.

Look forward to those who  HAVE gone DC.



I started this tread last year. I tried several High end so called Audiophile grade against the Astron rs12A. Its been suppling

13-V DC for a year. I adjusted back to 12-V per Mytek specs’

Lost a little slam in the bass and some overall dynamics "some"

If 13v doesn’t fry it before its out of warranty so BE IT!!

If it dose I’ll just another and run it @ 13-V.

What high end supplies did you try, and did they all sound about the same as Astron.?

+1 on the Astron, picked up a used RS-12M on ebay for $71 incl. shipping for my Brooklyn + DAC.  I difference is very noticeable in both my main system on digital and in my small room vinyl system using the very good MC phono section in the Brooklyn +.  Stock voltage is 13.8, but I used internal adjustments to recalibrate the front panel meter and reduce the voltage to 13.  Clearer and more dynamic.  You can also look for model #RS-12A, same thing except no front panel meter.  The Astron website lists all their current models plus distributors if you prefer new.  Also just ordered a used LS-10A (28 volt) to replace my Dell laptop power supply, curious to see what improvement that makes to my digital system per recommendation on this forum.

I own an Original (Non +) Mytek Brooklyn as well as a Teradak 12V 10a linear PSU I used to use to power a mac mini stack.
While Mytek apparently recommend 6amps or so, would my 10a PSU be usable with the Brooklyn or is that just too many amps?
Hey @Madinuk2007

The DAC will only draw the current necessary, so in theory even a 100A supply would be OK so long as the voltage did not exceed ~ 14 V .
