NAIM Alternatives-from people who have switched.

I would really like to hear from some people that have swithced from NAIM (you poor sod you!) to something else and are happy with the switch and what worked.
I am currently using a Naim 52/250 combo and while I am happy with the sound overall, for reasons I won't go into other than to say I need a better shielded combo so I can enjoy my analog gear more than I do now.
Dealers near me have Ayre, CJ, Sim Audio, and Plinius. I have not heard any of these so I cannot say if I like them or they will work for me.
Any good alternatives?
Honestly I have spken with the reviewr Bob Neill who is a big fan of naim cd players and he and I agree that Blue circle gear has all that Naim offers plus a better sense of tone. However I woudl not put CJ in the Naim category. If your dealer told you that ignore the rest of his recs he is way off. best of luck
I switched from Naim gear to a Berning ZOTL amplifier and found much better sound, none of the typical tube shortcomings, and it is auto-biasing, and cool running, with long tube life. It is just as simple to operate and maintain as any SS gear. No fuss at all. A great sounding, and easy to use upgrade for me. The ZH270 is the model with the power level you'll need to get anywhere near the power level of the Naim 250.
Actually without going to far from where you are with NAIM I would try Linn. Linn amplification is clean and very compact due the power supplies they use. Naim is tough to beat though. I am using a Naim Stageline with Hi cap power supply as it was the only (after numberous trials) phono stage that didn't produce any kind of hum. If your getting a hum of some sort with NAIM I believe you will have a similar problem with just about anything else. NAIM uses such a heavy sheilded case on their gear. Make sure you do some in-home trials before you buy.