NAIM Alternatives-from people who have switched.

I would really like to hear from some people that have swithced from NAIM (you poor sod you!) to something else and are happy with the switch and what worked.
I am currently using a Naim 52/250 combo and while I am happy with the sound overall, for reasons I won't go into other than to say I need a better shielded combo so I can enjoy my analog gear more than I do now.
Dealers near me have Ayre, CJ, Sim Audio, and Plinius. I have not heard any of these so I cannot say if I like them or they will work for me.
Any good alternatives?
Believe it or not I second Blue Circle. Beautiful to look at, great tonality, nice punch. Nothing is the same as Naim, but BC will give you a good alternative and, as I understand it, that is what you're asking for.

Moving to tubes, nothing I've auditioned does what Naim does, but tube amplification can do some cool things. Little noisy but spooky real.
I switched from Naim to Blue Circle. I had a 32.5/140/snaps setup that I wanted to upgrade. I started looking around to see what was available, though I had every intention of sticking with Naim. I literally stumbled over Blue Circle gear and was knocked out. It is hard stuff to beat, especially when you start comparing price points.

The Blue Circle will give you a little more timbral accuracy and slightly better imaging than Naim. Of the other gear you have mentioned your best bets would be Plinius or Ayre, but you'll have to spend more money on either of those to get a comparable sound to the Blue Circle (so why not spend the extra cash on better Blue Circle :).

Having said all that, I still have fond memories of my Naim stuff, and may eventually pick some up used for a small second system.

I moved to an all Linn Aktiv system from my previous Naim components. I'm very happy since used Linn gear is such a great bargain. I can't offer any criticism of my Naim kit and have fond memories of it. I would definitely put Linn on the short list especially if you are looking at buying through the classifieds. Good luck.

A while back I read a review in HiFi+(GB) from a Naim devotee who replaced his
power amp with a new amp under the Dynavetor name. Dynavector is known for cartridges so this was a surprise to me. This new design as I recall is by the guy responsible for the classic Bedini 25/25. Dont know if its available in the US, but it got high marks from a real Naim fan.
Thanks to all who responded. I have been hearing alot of good things regarding Blue Circle gear. I have no dealer in my area who carries it so I would have to take a chance.