Naim Nait 2 vs. Rega Mira 3

I have owned a Nait 2 and orginal Rega Planet (with extra attenuation) for about 6 months. I recently got the itch to change and moved to a Rega Apollo and Rega Mira 3. My preliminary notes show that it just doesn't sound as good to me. Anybody have any reflections on this?

Update. I have tried several amps to replace the Nait 2 and have found none that I like better. Tried Sugden, Lavardin, and several others.
What other amps have you tried?
Yes, curious minds would like to know :)  

Interesting thread, I like reading about the Nait 2, I actually never heard one before but had a couple of Onix integrateds - the OA21s and the OA20/2 and they were both spectacular, often being called the poor man's Naim Nait II.

The Nait 2 is not the most resolving integrated amplifier out there, however, it does get the listener involved in the music in a way that few audio components regardless of price can do.  I've owned most of Naim's amplifiers and preamplifiers prior to 1990 and the Nait 2 maintains the Naim House Sound of the time. The best Naim gear I owned from back then was a NAC72/HICAP/NAP135 setup. This was noticeably more resolving than the Nait 2 and about 10X the price, yet the Nait 2  never embarrassed itself.  I inherited my late Dad's recently along with his CDi, both of which I will eventually use in a vintage British two channel system.