Name your lame duck artist........

What artist do you put above all others in terms of lack of talent but somehow has achieved success?

For me Madonna has to be the queen of mediocrity (mediocre being a compliment in this case) - can't sing or act and what's with the fake english accent after living there a whole two years.
And don't get me going with all these new female jazz "singers" with that vomit inducing vibratoless whisper that seems to have become mandatory in that genre today......Jones clones.
Can all the million's of music loving people who have purchased albums/cd's of all the lame duck's being touted on here, all be tone deaf?
Nickelback, in addition to all of those mentioned above. Also Springsteen as of the past several + years.
All jazz artists that aimlessly meander through zillions of musical notes that does not have a melody line that can be followed by the listener.

Absolutely agree. Bought one of her albums and thought it was ok, bought more and not only will she make you doze off but they all sound exactly the same, no flavor whatsoever. Funny thing is now you have all these other chicks trying to emulate her. The name too.......sounds like a little old lady with a sewing machine.