NBS Classic -vs- NBS Monitor?

Has anyone A/B compared similarly-priced NBS cables from the two different series (Classic -vs- Monitor)? What is the difference in sound like?
I haven't compared the 2 b4 but currently use monitor iv balanced interconnects. I find it lets the signal through. Can sound slightly lean in the wrong system. Great bottom end and treble extension. Wouldn't recommend if lot of treble energy in your system. Monitor iii is supposed to be superb.
The newer stuff is cleaner and has a blacker background, but slightly less forgiving and a bit less color.
I agree there is quite a jump up from the Classic to the Monitor. I have done my whole system in Monitor III and can't believe the improvement. Also, I was able to get a good deal because I bought all the cables at once. One thing I would say is that it is very sensitive to the rest of the cable in your system, so just changing the speaker cable or one interconnect may not work as well. Also, I have a new power cord, speaker cable, and interconnect all Monitor III left over. I was going to post them here, but if you're interested, drop me a line on wkumar@hotmail.com.