People who believe in the results of everything from homeopathy, to new age healing crystals, your unscientific belief...give anecdotes just like yours for their beliefs.
Everything from green pens on CDs, little brass bowls placed on walls, stickers and pebbles placed on components, have had such testimony!
Until you grasp the relevance of listener bias and it’s influence on our perception, your continued use of anecdotes to support technically dubious claims will continue to miss the point.
Okay, you 100% ignore my abilities to determine at least in the acoustic music realm, what sounds correct versus incorrect, better versus worse. Amir admited he has no comparable EXPERIENCE in the performing and recording in major concert venues (in Southern California, old and newer venues) as well as examining many recording studios for professional evaluation of their construction for appraisal purposes. I am not an expert although I have friends who are leaders in the remastering industry. My "anecdotes" are based on my hearing abilities. These are NOT unscientific beliefs despite being unfounded on scientifically tested measured results. I’ve dismissed most tweaks I’ve tried or heard/experienced because of the lack of significant differences or no differences heard. All your above named audio tweaks I've dismissed after trying them (green pens) or hearing them elsewhere, in and out of a room/system.
I have repeatedly stated that everyone has their own listening bias. This does not negate relevant claims of differences heard. Audiogon is replete with anecdotes from contributing listening members. It does not mean everyone’s anecdotes are relevant.
I desire measurements as a starting point. I’ve mentioned why and how they can help avoid badly measuring/sounding equipment/cables/tweaks earlier. Without measurements, the next best thing is trial and error.
You admit that the better measuring equipment does not always provide the most enjoyment. I am old enough with sufficient audio experience to determine significant differences which can be explained in anecdotes. You don’t have to believe me. You can try them for yourself if given a 30 to 90 day trial period from many manufacturers.