Need a DAC Recommendation.

Im retired and can only spend $1200 to $1500 on a DAC. What would you recommend? I assume I will be in the Used market.  Thanks!
Nice to see I'm not the only one that finds the RME great bang for buck and a keeper. I tried the Chord Qutest it was nice but found it a little bass shy and hifi sounding. One thing I enjoy with RME is the balanced output along with rca output. 

I run a Audience au24 se balanced to one input on pre and a Acoustic Zen silver ref 2 rca to another input on preamp and can switch inputs on the fly to adjust to the sonic quality of recording. The AZ comes across a little softer. I run all settings on RME flat. 

As small as it is it responds very well to footers. 
Get the Denafrips Pontus ii 
Excellent Dac. I have Pontus with Iris DDC and using is2 connection.
Hard to go wrong these days.  Features like usb input, balanced outputs, linear power supply, volume control options are probably what set apart dacs in this price range.