The 2910 laser assembly is available as shipped in the USA, for about $40-45, all in.(ebay)
It would take me less than 30 minuets to swap a new one in. You may time me if you wish... (from sealed unit to sealed unit)
the 2910 is also a decent base for modding out the analog audio section. Socket the opamp (put in a dual opa627 adapter, etc), modify the power supply for the audio and digital section, etc.
It would take me less than 30 minuets to swap a new one in. You may time me if you wish... (from sealed unit to sealed unit)
the 2910 is also a decent base for modding out the analog audio section. Socket the opamp (put in a dual opa627 adapter, etc), modify the power supply for the audio and digital section, etc.