need advice for budget preamp for Rega p3-24...

Seeking advice regarding a budget (under $400, really; used or new) phono preamp for the following basic set-up:
Rega p3-24 turntable
Linn Classik integrated amp or Cambridge Audio 650 amp
Vienna Acoustics speakers (have Mozart Grand, and Haydn Grand)
audioquest cables

for analog-time, I'm all about acoustic jazz, esp piano and drums, and also some 70s rock. Play at lower volume.

I'm looking at, I guess:
Rega fono mini
Rega fono (non-mini; next step up)
Bellari v 129-30
Cambridge Audio 540p or 640p
and what else, in this meager price range?

I'd LOVE to have a $1000 or $4000 phono preamp, but that is not in the budget whatsoever and as a teacher, I don't get bonuses. Basically I want smoothness, warmth, soundstage, and darkness (duh).
RE: the GCPH, I see a few listed now a little above your price target, but I think they can go for around your budget (they run about $1k new). Apologies - I neglected to price check before posting!
I just (meaning JUST) scored a new Cambridge 640P and even without much break-in it sounds VERY good...quiet and clear as a bell (Akito/AT440mla). I needed a rumble filter also and that feature narrowed my cheap phono-pre search to the 640P and a Bellari...2 Bellari sellers here BOTH flaked (dude...if you sell it take it off the site!) on me so afte more research I went with the 640p...and I'm glad!
Couple more worth auditioning: Grado PH-1 and Musical Surroundings Phonomena, both within your budget used.

Happy listening!