Need Advice on Amp Audition at a Dealers

I'm thinking I should take my present amp to swap in and out for comparison. Should I be doing anything else?

In regards to the "portholes." 

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I agree with williewonka , when I auditioned my preamp it was in a $50k system and it sounded great so I figured I’d take a chance. Turned out to be one of my best purchases ever.  I auditioned my DAC in same system and it was able to hang with some $$$ gear.   

I auditioned my my speakers with the same amps I own and preamp.  Dealer just happened to take in a used pair on trade and was a cj dealer so I was lucky.   

Best to audition in some way but sometimes I’ll take a chance.  

Auditioning your amp against another without your preamp, front end, and ESPECIALLY with different speakers, will perhaps allow you to establish an amplifier preference.  But it's highly questionable whether that preference will be applicable back at your home and with your system.    

If the dealer in question is familiar you, they should allow a home trial.  If otherwise, perhaps the dealer may let you take the amp home with some sort of payment/deposit for the expressed purpose of a X number of days audition.  That shouldn't be a problem as long as the dealer is fully convinced they won't "loose" the cost of an amplifier.  At any rate, good luck with your amplifier quest....

Try an Icon Stereo 30 SE from Music Direct.  If you don't like it, they have a 60 day return policy.  I have a hunch they will pair up nicely with your speakers, which are just crying for Class A single ended power. You also may end up not needing your preamp (the 30 SE has a built-in passive pre).