Need advice on what to purchase to hold 1TB of music and connect to my new Innuos Pulsar.

I just need 1TB of file space and won’t ever need more.  I am most interested in sound quality and staying under $500. The less money the better - if possible.    It will be hooked up to an Innuos Pulsar that has no internal storage.  The Pulsar is streamer only. My music, only 1100 CDs, is already stored on a Raid and I will only use this Raid for backup. 

No idea what I need. Don’t think I need a NAS, but may. Do I just buy a 1TB SSD drive? Which one? Connectivity? This is not an area I am well versed on as in the past I have always owned servers which had on board storage ( Innuos Zenith 3).  

I am a little lost here fellow Agoners. Thanks for your help.  Bill 



Wouldn’t an external audiophile server give a better sound than a cheap ssd drive?

My music, only 1100 CDs, is already stored on a Raid and I will only use this Raid for backup. 

This indicates you already have a connection from your current storage to the server and you are interested in something to use as a backup of that primary working storage.  Is this a correct interpretation?  If so then you only need any decent stand alone drive to make a manual backup to and be put away in a safe place.  

Thank you @drrsutliff and everyone else here. Looks like I am all set to purchase the Samsung SSD linked above. Easy and cost cost effective. Perfect!


I will either build my own usb cable and add the adaptor to C or buy the AQ.