Need advice/opinion in choosing Vandy 2ci or Thiel 1.5

I'm setting up an audio system for my son and run into cheap pair of Vandy 2CI and Thiel CS1.5 all in good shape.
I'm leaning toward Thiel CS 1.5 since I've owned a few pairs in the past. 
Electronics are tube integrated, modest vinyl system, streaming DAC. Small room 10x12 with window


Thiel's are no longer made I would get the Vandersteen 1Ci.  Great speaker for the $'s new
Small room 10x12. Do your self a favor and get the Vandy 1ci's. I prefer them over the 2's and personally think they'll do better in your small room. 

While I ultimately much prefer the Vandy 2’s to the Vandy1’s, @audionoobie is spot on regarding the Vandy 2’s being too big for such a small room.