I have Swans M1 Speakers, which are not too distant from what you own. My Power amp is a Proton, which falls on the bright side. I am using Tice interconnects and it has smoothed the sound of my DAC-Pre connection---soudstage is wide, tall and deep. Just as I had read in a review. Tice is selling them direct for $137.50 a 1.5 m pair. It's a great bargain. Speaker cable is on clearance, too.
You don't mention line conditioning--I would get a De Zorel filter with two modules for your integrated amp and CDP, a couple of Absolute Power Cords and start listening to them Mariachi's.
You don't mention line conditioning--I would get a De Zorel filter with two modules for your integrated amp and CDP, a couple of Absolute Power Cords and start listening to them Mariachi's.