Need speaker suggestion for a larger room!
OK, out there - here's my situation: I'm a Hi-Fi guy that goes back to 1952 - Brooke, Meisner, Mc C-1, etc.
Stayed with the good stuff - Mc., H H Scott, Marantz up until transistors took over in the mid-60's.
One thing an another, I drifted from serious audio in the mid-80's and watched improving TV (!).
At an advanced age (84), wife and I are crawling back: Got a refreshed C-34 and MC7250 for signal
and a pair of decent M/L Ascents for transduction. LOVE the mid-range spacial effect! Bass, mid and low,
is disappointing.
For your consideration: Room is 26'L x 20'W x 8'H (4100+ cu. ft.) and "live"( some carpet and upholstered furniture), but much reflective wall area (glass) on either side; No help on opposite wall.
Unfortunately, aesthetics play a role: Speaker cabinet must be cream, black, or silver (!).
I'm a fan of Tannoy sound, if this helps (used to own a pair of 12' Silvers WAY back), but their cabs are all
Walnut, or similar. Also, don't need to go to 18 Hz - We're in a condo - so an HONEST 30 cps is perfect.
Music pref: Classical, 20's and pre- 60's jazz, Piano ensembles + vibes, Blue Grass, Tannoy demo CD's (!)
I'm hopeful some of you up-to date folks will help us uncover a few good speakers options. Our budget:
no more than $7,000.00. Oh - and good used examples are just fine. Probably preferred, given our budget!
Thanks a lot for whatever you can share!