need your advice on speakers and CD players

    Hi audiopeople! I'm almost ready to buy a system and would need your advice. I have a room that is 12 x 20 feet with an 8 1/2 foot ceiling. I listen to acoustic jazz, vocals, Brazilian, African, R&B, and classic rock. I will be sitting about 9 feet from the speakers, which will be about 2 feet from the rear wall. 
    I love the Harbeth M 30.1.  I also really like the Dynaudio Confidence C1, but I'm concerned about the rear porting, and think the Harbeths sound more natural -- any thoughts?
    I'm going to get the Luxman 507 ux integrated, and either the Luxman CD-05 or CD-06 CD player. Has anybody out there listened to both? Is the CD-06 worth 4K more?
   I'm planning on using Audience 24SE cables. Your thoughts are most appreciated.

Welcome! woofergirl,
you are setting up a really nice system! Are you in a position to demo the cd player(s) in consideration. This is really key, at this level and money involved, you would not want to make a mistake.

Keep me posted and Happy Listening!

I listened to both of the speakers you note, this weekend, at the AXPONA show. While both were very good I favored the Dynaudio. Plenty of bottom with great sound staging and depth, the speakers were about 2 feet from the front wall, in a challenging hotel room. They performed nicely on Jazz, Acoustic (real nice), Vocals and Electronic. Sounded very natural to me. Also note 3 separate rooms had the Dynaudio, the dealers liked them a lot too.

You are putting together a very nice system. Also note there are some very fine used CD players out there, where you can get a lot of bang for your dollar.

If you place the loudspeakers at least 24" out into the room the rear port shouldn't be a factor.  Personally I like the Harbeth over the Dynaudio.  They have a more welcoming and relaxed sound.  Neither is particularly sensitive, but the Luxman should be more than capable of driving both very well.  Please post what you end up doing.
I have stayed away from rear ported speakers in the past only because adequate space was a concern. Given unlimited space to play with they often sound superior (to me) unless were talking certain TL's or acoustic suspension. I am a fanboy of both manufacturers. I have listened to Harbeth partnered with high quality Luxman and it was among the best I've ever heard. Detail and naturalism are two words I would use to best describe there partnership.