new at this...which amp?

I have B&W htm1 center, cdn nt9 front, cdm nt7 rear with Adcom 7500 150 by 5 amp and Adcom pre amp. The mids and highs are harsh beyond half volume. Speaker cables are the good stuff, but interconnects are Radio Shack's best sheilded cable. I have been told here that while interconnects could be the problem it is more likely lack of power. Would Adcom 7805 300 by 5 be a reasonable choice for a new amp? Is there a better choice for around 2500.00? If the 7805 is not enough I am considering bi amp with the 7500 and 7805 as the final solution. If so, would the more powerful amp go on the bottom end? Your comments are greatly appreciated.
Yes, Adcom is good suff - just good. Like Tgrisham says, it is exacerbating the brightness in his system. The H2O is in a class of it's own. My last solid state were Pass Labs X600 monos. It was no match for the H2O. The Adcom isn't on the same page of either amp. A single H2O S-250, at $2K is all that's needed power wise for any speaker.

The Radio Shack interconnects are big culprits as well. For ultimate clarity in speaker cables, try Speltz's Anti-Cable. It's as cheap as Radio Shack, and better than - well, read the testimonials. front end I suspect you are asking about the source? I have a 250.00 Denon cd player and usually listen to music through Comcast cable's digital music stations. I hear no difference between them. Having said that, you are probably thinking I have a tin ear. Probably right about that. Now consider how harsh my system must be if I can hear it! I am going to see if my local high end store will let me audition interconnects and a bigger amp. If that does not do it I will move on to fixing the room. I want to thank each of you for your help.
source is a real contributor to your problems. I used to have a $400 denon cdp and it practically killed me. Try a used rega planet. It's worth it. Cables and amps matter as well, but garbage-in, garbage-out!
1) The room
2) The source
3) The interconnects
I would address all three. You don't need to better amplify what is already compromised source material.
If the system has sounded harsh in three different rooms, I'd still begin by treating the room. With $2500 to spend, you can do a lot with the room, the source, cables, etc. Once you've done these three things, please follow-up here. I predict you will be stunned by the improvements. And I would not start with the amp, FWIW.
Your amp should have more than enough power. You should really try to borrow gear and swap only 1 piece at a time until you find the culpret. If everything is sounding harsh when played loudly, you can eliminate the cd & cable (compressed music usually sounds flat, not bright).
Borrow a stereo only amp if you need to just to run the right and left channels to compare to the adcom.
Personally, it doesn't seem to me like your system is balanced. You have shorted yourself with not enough spent on the sources, nor on the cabling. What speaker cables are you using, do you have a line conditioner?