New Audiogon equipment search format.

This new equipment search format is awful! What in the world were you thinking?
I wrote Audiogon immediately after they implemented this new software
and as an IT professional indicated that they had made a serious error
in their new design.  Most good web designers understand their users
and strive for simplicity. It is almost as though they handed the project
to a bunch of 17 year olds who cannot read and only see the world in pictures. A truly experienced web designer would have improved the search engine (which they seem to have done ??) and left the simplicity of the site alone except for improving navigation around different facets of the site. 

I  indicated to them that most of the users of this site can read lists, were well educated and wanted information that was easy to access. 
Who do they think is buying all his expensive equipment anyway,
not 17 year olds. So a failure to understand their customers with a little greed thrown in, as others have indicated in their posts, seems to have motivated this change. I have seen it done many times before by IT companies and they usually regret it when their customers disappear.

Awful design.  Went from perfectly functional to unusable.

Who at Agon thought this was an improvement?  
Still waiting to post ads. It does not take long to just go back to the old system.  Please just do it. Why wait until you build this hybrid system allowing for both? Go back to the system we all want now and in the future, when the hybrid system is perfected and ready for prime time, add it. Please.